Dow Jones Industrial Average: A Comprehensive Guide

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), often referred to simply as the Dow, is a widely followed stock market index that reflects the performance of 30 major publicly traded companies in the United States. Investors, economists, and financial analysts frequently use the Dow as a benchmark to gauge the overall health and direction of the stock market. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the history, composition, calculation, and significance of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, addressing common questions and shedding light on its role in the financial world.

History of the Dow Jones Industrial Average:

  • When was the Dow Jones Industrial Average created?

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is a stock market index that tracks the performance of 30 large, publicly traded companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the Nasdaq. It is one of the oldest and most widely used stock market indexes in the world.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average was created on May 26, 1896, by Charles Dow, co-founder of Dow Jones & Company and The Wall Street Journal. The index was originally made up of 12 industrial companies, including General Electric, American Telephone and Telegraph, and Standard Oil.

Over the years, the composition of the DJIA has changed to reflect the changing American economy. Companies have been added and removed from the index, based on their market capitalization and their representative of a particular industry sector.

Today, the DJIA is still considered a leading indicator of the U.S. stock market. It is closely watched by investors and the media, and its performance is often used as a gauge of economic health.

Here are some of the key milestones in the history of the DJIA:

  1. 1896: The Dow Jones Industrial Average is created with 12 companies.
    Image of Dow Jones Industrial Average was created with 12 companies.Opens in a new window
    Dow Jones Industrial Average was created with 12 companies.
  2. 1929: The DJIA reaches its all-time high of 381.16 on September 3, just before the start of the Great Depression.
    Image of DJIA reaches its alltime highOpens in a new window
    DJIA reaches its alltime high
  3. 1932: The DJIA falls to its all-time low of 41.22 on July 8, during the Great Depression.
  4. 1972: The DJIA surpasses the 1,000 mark for the first time.
  5. 1987: The DJIA experiences its worst one-day percentage decline, falling 22.6% on Black Monday.
  6. 1995: The DJIA surpasses the 5,000 mark for the first time.
  7. 2008: The DJIA falls to its lowest closing level since 1995 during the financial crisis.
  8. 2020: The DJIA surpasses the 30,000 mark for the first time.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average is a valuable tool for investors and economists alike. It provides a snapshot of the performance of the U.S. stock market and can be used to track the health of the economy.

  • What was the initial purpose behind its creation?

The initial purpose behind the creation of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) wasn’t as straightforward as some might think. While it eventually became a key indicator of the broader U.S. economy, Charles Dow’s original motives had a few layers:

1. Gauge the Market: At its core, Dow wanted to provide a simple and accessible measure of the overall activity within the U.S. stock market. By tracking the stock prices of a select group of prominent companies, he aimed to offer a more comprehensive picture than focusing on individual fluctuations.

2. Reflect Industrial Growth: The “Industrial” in the name wasn’t just a random descriptor. During the late 19th century, the American economy was experiencing rapid industrialization. Dow saw these sectors, like railroads and manufacturing, as driving forces shaping the nation’s economic vitality. He selected companies accordingly, hoping the DJIA would illustrate the strength and progress of American industry.

3. Inform Investment Decisions: While Dow wasn’t peddling a predictive theory, he believed the DJIA could offer valuable insights for investors. By observing patterns and trends in the index, individuals could potentially make informed decisions about buying and selling stocks. He saw it as a tool for understanding market sentiment and potential future trajectories.

4. Journalistic Utility: As co-founder of The Wall Street Journal, Dow also envisioned the DJIA as a compelling element for his publication. The index provided fresh content for market reports and analyses, engaging readers and adding depth to financial news coverage.

So, while the DJIA eventually evolved into a major economic indicator, its initial purpose was a multi-faceted blend of market measurement, industrial focus, investor guidance, and journalistic innovation.

  • How has the index evolved over the years?

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) has undergone several significant evolutions over its 128-year history, reflecting the changing landscape of the American economy and the stock market itself. Here are some key aspects of its evolution:


      • Number of Companies: Originally launched with 12 companies, the DJIA expanded to 20 in 1916 and finally settled at 30 in 1928, the structure it maintains today.

      • Industry Representation: Initially focused on heavy industry giants like railroads and steel mills, the composition has shifted to encompass a wider range of sectors, including technology, finance, and healthcare, reflecting the changing economic landscape.

      • Company Changes: Many companies have been added and removed from the DJIA over the years, based on factors like market capitalization, industry representation, and financial performance. Notably, General Electric, the only remaining original member, was removed in 2018.


      • Calculation Method: The DJIA originally used a simple average of the included companies’ stock prices. However, since 1928, it has employed a divisor that adjusts for stock splits and issuances, resulting in a more accurate representation of overall performance.

      • Focus: While initially intended to gauge industrial activity, the DJIA has become a broader indicator of the U.S. stock market and, to some extent, the overall economy.

    Technology and Accessibility:

      • Trading platforms: From manual calculations and telegraph communication, the DJIA’s tracking and analysis have become vastly more efficient and accessible thanks to electronic trading platforms and real-time data availability.

      • Public Access: Information about the DJIA and its performance is readily available to the public through media outlets, financial websites, and mobile apps, democratizing access to market information.

    Historical Milestones:

      • Stock Market Crashes: The DJIA has navigated numerous booms and busts, including the Black Monday crash of 1987 and the 2008 financial crisis, serving as a historical marker of economic turbulence.

    • Milestones: Reaching key point levels like 1,000, 10,000, and 30,000 have been celebrated as symbolic markers of market growth and economic prosperity.

    Components of the Dow Jones Industrial Average:

    • How are the 30 companies selected for inclusion?

      The selection of companies for the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is a carefully conducted process, guided by specific criteria and overseen by a dedicated committee. Here’s a breakdown of the key factors and processes involved:

      Selection Criteria:

      Market Capitalization: While not the sole determinant, large market capitalization signifies a company’s size and influence within the US economy.
      Liquidity: The stock must be highly liquid, meaning there are sufficient buyers and sellers readily available to ensure smooth trading.
      Industry Representation: The committee aims to maintain a diversified index across various sectors, aiming to reflect the breadth of the US economy.
      Financial Performance: Strong financials, including consistent profitability and growth potential, are desirable for inclusion.
      Leadership and Innovation: Companies considered should be industry leaders known for innovation and a positive reputation.
      Global Recognition: Global reach and brand recognition can also factor into the selection process.

      Selection Process:

      Review and Analysis: The committee, composed of senior editors from The Wall Street Journal and S&P Dow Jones Indices, regularly reviews potential candidates based on the above criteria.
      Qualitative Assessment: Beyond quantitative metrics, the committee conducts qualitative assessments considering factors like a company’s long-term prospects, corporate governance, and overall contribution to the index’s composition.
      Voting and Announcement: The committee votes on potential additions and removals, with a two-thirds majority required for any change. Once finalized, changes are announced publicly and implemented on a designated date.
      Factors to Consider:

      Subjectivity: Unlike some other indices, the Dow Jones Industrial Average relies on a committee’s subjective judgment while incorporating quantitative data. This can lead to debate and criticism about the inclusion or exclusion of specific companies.

      Price-Weighted vs. Market-Weighted: The Dow Jones Industrial Average uses a price-weighted method, meaning companies with higher stock prices have a greater influence on the index’s value. This differs from other popular indices like the S&P 500, which are market-weighted based on total market capitalization.

      Limited Scope: With only 30 companies, the Dow Jones Industrial Average offers a more concentrated view compared to broader indices. This can be both an advantage for focusing on prominent companies and a disadvantage for potentially overlooking emerging sectors or smaller businesses.

      In summary, the selection of companies for the Dow Jones Industrial Average is a well-defined process balancing quantitative and qualitative factors to maintain a diversified and representative index reflecting the leading lights of the US economy. While subjectivity and methodological choices come into play, the DJIA remains a widely used and valuable indicator for investors and market observers.

    • What criteria do companies need to meet to be part of the Dow?

      To be part of the prestigious Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), companies need to meet a set of key criteria, both quantitative and qualitative:

      Quantitative Factors:

        • Market Capitalization: While not the sole determinant, high market capitalization indicates a company’s size and economic impact. The DJIA typically favors larger companies with market caps in the billions or tens of billions of dollars.

        • Liquidity: The stock must be highly liquid, meaning there are sufficient buyers and sellers readily available to ensure smooth trading without significant price fluctuations. This minimizes issues with tracking the index’s value.

        • Industry Representation: The committee strives for a diversified index across various sectors like technology, finance, healthcare, and consumer goods. Ideally, the included companies should collectively represent a cross-section of the US economy.

      Qualitative Factors:

        • Financial Performance: Strong financials, including consistent profitability and a history of steady growth, are crucial for demonstrating a company’s stability and resilience.

        • Leadership and Innovation: Being an industry leader known for innovation and technological advancements contributes to the overall reputation and influence of the DJIA.

        • Global Recognition: Companies with strong global presence and brand recognition add further prestige and international relevance to the index.

        • Corporate Governance: Sound corporate governance practices, emphasizing transparency, ethical conduct, and shareholder accountability, are highly valued by the committee.

      Additional Points:

        • Subjectivity: Unlike some purely quantitative indices, the Dow selection process involves the committee’s subjective judgment within the established criteria. This can lead to some debate and criticism regarding specific company inclusions or exclusions.

        • Price-Weighted vs. Market-Weighted: The Dow uses a price-weighted method, meaning companies with higher stock prices have a greater impact on the index’s value. This differs from market-weighted indices like the S&P 500, which consider total market capitalization.

        • Limited Scope: With only 30 companies, the Dow offers a more concentrated view compared to broader indices. This can be an advantage for focusing on prominent players but also a disadvantage for overlooking emerging sectors or smaller businesses.

      Overall, companies wishing to join the Dow need to be large, liquid, financially sound, innovative leaders in their respective sectors, and globally recognized with strong corporate governance practices. The selection process combines quantitative and qualitative assessments to maintain a diversified and prestigious index reflecting the top businesses in the US economy.

    • How often does the composition of the Dow change?

      The composition of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) doesn’t have a set frequency for changes. Instead, it undergoes adjustments when deemed necessary by the S&P Dow Jones Indices, the organization responsible for managing the index. There isn’t a fixed schedule or predetermined number of changes per year.

      The committee overseeing the DJIA constantly monitors the companies included and potential candidates for addition or removal, considering factors like:

        • Market capitalization: Changes in company size and importance within the economy.

        • Liquidity: Shifts in trading volume and ease of buying and selling the stock.

        • Industry representation: Maintaining a diversified mix of sectors in the index.

        • Financial performance: Changes in profitability, growth, and overall financial health.

        • Leadership and innovation: Keeping the index composed of industry leaders at the forefront of their sectors.

        • Global recognition: Reflecting companies with significant international presence and brand awareness.

      When enough evidence accumulates suggesting a change is needed to better reflect the current economic landscape, the committee convenes and votes on proposed additions or removals. A two-thirds majority vote is required for any change to be implemented.

      Here are some historical trends regarding the frequency of changes:

        • Historically: The DJIA has seen its composition change 57 times since its inception in 1896. This translates to an average of roughly one change every two years.

        • Recent years: The pace of change has varied in recent years. For example, there were no changes between 2015 and 2017, while 2020 saw two changes and 2021 saw one.

      The composition of the Dow Jones Industrial Average is dynamic and adjusts to reflect the evolving economic landscape. While there is no set schedule for changes, the S&P Dow Jones Indices committee carefully monitors and makes adjustments when necessary to maintain the index’s relevance and accuracy as a leading indicator of the US stock market.

Calculation Methodology:

Dow Divisor: This is a numerical value used to adjust for stock splits, dividends, and other changes that could distort the index value if not accounted for. It’s constantly updated to maintain historical continuity.
What is the formula used to calculate the Dow?


The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) uses a price-weighted methodology. This means the index value is calculated by summing the share prices of the 30 companies included and then dividing by a divisor. While it may seem simple, understanding the nuances is crucial.

Here’s the formula:

DJIA = (Σ Price per Share of Included Companies) / Dow Divisor


Key aspects of the formula:

    • Price per Share: The current stock price of each company in the DJIA is used.

    • Σ: This symbol represents the sum, meaning the prices of all 30 companies are added together.

        Simple Calculation:
         The price-weighted approach is relatively simple to calculate compared to market-cap weighting, which requires calculations of total market capitalization for each company.Why is it a price-weighted index and not a market-cap-weighted index?

        Price-Weighted vs. Market-Cap-Weighted:

        The choice of a price-weighted method differentiates the Dow from other popular indices like the S&P 500, which use market capitalization (market cap) as their weighting factor.

          • Price-Weighted: In the Dow, companies with higher stock prices have a greater impact on the index value, regardless of their overall market size. This means a company with a much higher market cap but a lower stock price could have less influence than a company with a smaller market cap but a higher stock price.

          • Market-Cap-Weighted: In contrast, market-cap-weighted indices like the S&P 500 take into account the total market value of each company’s outstanding shares. This means larger companies based on market size have a greater influence on the index value, reflecting their greater economic impact.

        Reasons for Price-Weighted Methodology:

        The Dow’s choice of price-weighted methodology has historical roots and some specific advantages:

          • Historical Continuity: The Dow was originally calculated with a simple average of included company prices. The current divisor-based method maintains historical continuity while adjusting for stock splits and dividends.

          • Focus on Large, Established Companies: Price-weighted methodology tends to give more weight to companies with higher stock prices, often signifying larger, established businesses with longer track records.Impact of Stock Splits and Dividends:

    Both stock splits and dividends can affect the Dow’s calculation:

      • Stock Splits: When a company undergoes a stock split, the number of outstanding shares increases, while the individual share price decreases proportionally. To maintain historical continuity, the Dow Divisor is adjusted after a stock split to ensure the index value doesn’t artificially spike or dip due to the change in share price alone.

      • Dividends: When companies pay dividends, the share price typically decreases on the ex-dividend date. The Dow Divisor is not adjusted for dividends, so the index value may slightly decrease after dividend payments.

    By understanding the formula, weighting methodology, and factors like stock splits and dividends, you can gain a deeper appreciation for the complexities involved in calculating the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

    Significance and Usage:

    • Why is the Dow considered a leading indicator of the stock market’s health?

      Why Leading Indicator?

      The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is considered a leading indicator of the U.S. stock market’s health for several reasons:

        • Composition: The index includes 30 of the largest and most prominent publicly traded companies in the U.S., representing various sectors like finance, technology, and healthcare. Strong performance of these companies often reflects an overall positive trajectory of the economy and market.

        • Psychological Significance: The Dow is widely watched by investors, media, and the general public. Its performance is often seen as a barometer of public confidence and overall economic sentiment. Investor reactions to its movements can further influence market trends.

        • Historical Trend: Over its long history, the Dow has generally tracked the ups and downs of the broader market. While not always perfectly correlated, there has been a statistically significant relationship between Dow movements and overall market trends.

      • How is the Dow used by investors and analysts in their decision-making?

        How Investors and Analysts Use the Dow:

        Investors and analysts utilize the Dow in various ways for their decision-making:

          • Gauging Market Sentiment: Tracking the Dow’s movements helps assess investor sentiment and overall market confidence. Rising Dow reflects positive sentiment, while a falling Dow may indicate concerns or bearishness. This information can guide decisions about buying, selling, or holding specific stocks.
          • Identifying Trends and Patterns: Analysts study historical and current Dow trends to identify potential market patterns and future trajectories. This analysis can inform investment strategies and portfolio adjustments.
          • Benchmarks and Comparisons: The Dow serves as a benchmark for individual stock performance. Investors can compare the performance of specific companies to the Dow’s overall movement to assess their relative strengths or weaknesses.
      • Are there any limitations to relying solely on the Dow for market analysis?Limitations of Sole Reliance:

        While valuable, relying solely on the Dow for market analysis has limitations:

          • Limited Scope: With only 30 companies, the Dow doesn’t represent the entire market. Missing out on smaller companies or emerging sectors can lead to incomplete information and potentially missed investment opportunities.

          • Price-Weighted vs. Market-Cap-Weighted: The Dow’s price-weighted methodology gives more weight to companies with higher share prices, not necessarily reflecting their overall market size or economic impact. This can skew the indicator’s performance from the broader market’s true health.

        • Psychological Influence: The Dow’s significance can create self-fulfilling prophecies. Investor behavior based solely on its movements can amplify market swings, causing volatility and potentially inaccurate signals.

          Notable Historical Events and Market Movements:

          • How has the Dow reacted to major economic events throughout history?

            The Dow and the Echoes of History:

            The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) has witnessed and reacted to numerous major economic events throughout history, offering fascinating insights into the interplay between market movement and societal context. Here are a few notable examples:

              • The Great Depression (1929-1933): Following the Black Thursday crash in 1929, the Dow plummeted over 89% from its peak, reflecting the broader economic devastation.

              • World Wars: While initially dropping, the Dow rebounded during both World Wars as government wartime spending boosted certain sectors.

              • Oil Crisis (1973): The quadrupling of oil prices triggered a significant economic downturn, causing the Dow to decline by over 45%.

              • Tech Bubble and Bust (1995-2002): Fueled by exuberant expectations for the internet, the Dow climbed sharply before crashing by over 78% following the bubble’s burst.

            • Great Recession (2007-2009): The financial crisis and ensuing recession led to a devastating Dow plunge exceeding 50%.
          • Are there instances where the Dow provided false signals about the market?

            False Signals and Market Volatility:

            There have been instances where the Dow’s movements didn’t accurately reflect the broader market health, highlighting its limitations as a single indicator:

              • Short-Term Fluctuations: Day-to-day or even week-to-week Dow movements may not necessarily signal long-term economic trends, potentially creating false signals for investors.

              • Psychological Influence: Investor confidence and sentiment can disproportionately impact the Dow, leading to volatile swings that may not align with the true state of the economy.

            • Limited Scope: As discussed previously, the Dow’s focus on 30 large companies can miss out on broader market trends and emerging sectors, providing incomplete information.

      Criticism and Controversies:

          • What criticisms have been leveled against the Dow Jones Industrial Average? The Dow has faced various criticisms regarding its representativeness and relevance:
              • Price-Weighted Methodology: Some argue that the price-weighted method gives undue influence to companies with high stock prices, regardless of their market capitalization or economic impact.

              • Limited Composition: With only 30 companies, the Dow doesn’t reflect the diversity of the entire U.S. stock market, potentially overlooking smaller businesses and emerging sectors.

            • Lack of Transparency: The process of adding or removing companies from the Dow is not entirely transparent, leading to concerns about potential bias or arbitrariness.
          • How do experts address concerns about its representativeness and relevance? Addressing Concerns and Moving Forward:

            Experts acknowledge these limitations and actively address them through various methods:

              • Complementary Indicators: Using the Dow alongside other market indices, economic data, and research insights provides a more nuanced picture than relying solely on the Dow.

              • Market-Cap-Weighted Alternatives: Indices like the S&P 500, which use market capitalization for weighting, offer a broader and more diversified perspective on the market.

              • Transparency Efforts: The S&P Dow Jones Indices committee, responsible for managing the Dow, has taken steps to increase transparency around selection processes and address concerns.

            The Dow Jones Industrial Average, despite its limitations, remains a valuable historical and cultural touchstone for the U.S. stock market. Understanding its reactions to past events and acknowledging its criticisms are crucial for interpreting its movements and using it effectively alongside other tools for informed investment decisions.

      Dow Jones vs. Other Market Indices:

          • How does the Dow compare to other major indices like the S&P 500 and NASDAQ? Comparing the Titans: Dow vs. Other Market Indices

            The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) shares the stage with other prominent market indices, each offering distinct insights into the U.S. stock market. Here’s a comparison with two major players:

            S&P 500:

              • Composition: 500 large, publicly traded companies across various sectors, providing a broader and more diversified view of the market.

              • Weighting: Market-capitalization weighted, meaning larger companies have a greater influence on the index value.

              • Performance: Generally exhibits less volatility compared to the Dow due to its broader composition.

              • Suitability: Ideal for investors seeking exposure to a wider range of sectors and companies in the U.S. market.


              • Composition: Primarily focused on technology and tech-related companies, capturing the dynamism of the tech sector.

              • Weighting: Market-capitalization weighted, similar to the S&P 500.

              • Performance: Historically known for higher volatility compared to the Dow and S&P 500 due to its concentration in tech stocks.

              • Suitability: Suitable for investors interested in gaining exposure to the high-growth potential of the tech sector.
            • Are there scenarios where different indices give conflicting signals?

            Conflicting Signals:

            Yes, scenarios can arise where different indices may send conflicting signals:

              • Sector Specificity: The Dow, with its limited sectoral scope, might react differently to specific events impacting particular sectors, while the S&P 500 or NASDAQ, with broader coverage, might show a more muted response.

            • Short-Term Fluctuations: Day-to-day movements of any index may not necessarily align with the broader market trend, creating temporary discrepancies between indicators.

      Investing Strategies Using the Dow:

          • Can investors use the Dow to inform their investment decisions?

            Investing Strategies with the Dow:

            While the Dow has limitations, it can still inform investment decisions:

              • Market Sentiment: Tracking the Dow’s movements helps gauge overall investor confidence and market sentiment. Rising Dow reflects positive sentiment, potentially prompting investment in large-cap, blue-chip stocks.

              • Benchmarking: Comparing individual stock performance to the Dow’s movement can offer insights into relative strength or weakness.

            • Trend Analysis: Analyzing historical and current Dow trends can help identify potential future market movements and adjust investment strategies accordingly.
          • Are there specific trading strategies tailored to the Dow’s movements?

            Comparing the Titans: Dow vs. Other Market Indices

            The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) shares the stage with other prominent market indices, each offering distinct insights into the U.S. stock market. Here’s a comparison with two major players:

            S&P 500:

              • Composition: 500 large, publicly traded companies across various sectors, providing a broader and more diversified view of the market.

              • Weighting: Market-capitalization weighted, meaning larger companies have a greater influence on the index value.

              • Performance: Generally exhibits less volatility compared to the Dow due to its broader composition.

              • Suitability: Ideal for investors seeking exposure to a wider range of sectors and companies in the U.S. market.


              • Composition: Primarily focused on technology and tech-related companies, capturing the dynamism of the tech sector.

              • Weighting: Market-capitalization weighted, similar to the S&P 500.

              • Performance: Historically known for higher volatility compared to the Dow and S&P 500 due to its concentration in tech stocks.

              • Suitability: Suitable for investors interested in gaining exposure to the high-growth potential of the tech sector.

            Conflicting Signals:

            Yes, scenarios can arise where different indices may send conflicting signals:

              • Sector Specificity: The Dow, with its limited sectoral scope, might react differently to specific events impacting particular sectors, while the S&P 500 or NASDAQ, with broader coverage, might show a more muted response.

              • Short-Term Fluctuations: Day-to-day movements of any index may not necessarily align with the broader market trend, creating temporary discrepancies between indicators.

            Investing Strategies with the Dow:

            While the Dow has limitations, it can still inform investment decisions:

              • Market Sentiment: Tracking the Dow’s movements helps gauge overall investor confidence and market sentiment. Rising Dow reflects positive sentiment, potentially prompting investment in large-cap, blue-chip stocks.

              • Benchmarking: Comparing individual stock performance to the Dow’s movement can offer insights into relative strength or weakness.

              • Trend Analysis: Analyzing historical and current Dow trends can help identify potential future market movements and adjust investment strategies accordingly.

            Specific Trading Strategies:

            Several trading strategies utilize the Dow, with varying risk levels and complexity:

              • Trend Following: Investing in line with the Dow’s general upward or downward trend through long or short positions.

              • Momentum Trading: Capitalizing on short-term momentum swings within the Dow.

              • Sector Rotation: Shifting investments between sectors based on their relative performance compared to the Dow.

            Remember: No strategy guarantees success, and careful research and risk management are crucial for any investment approach. The Dow can be a valuable tool, but it’s essential to combine its insights with other data, analysis, and a clear investment strategy.

      Recent Trends and Future Outlook:

        • What trends or patterns have characterized the Dow’s recent performance?

          Dow Jones Industrial Average: Recent Trends and Future Outlook

          Analyzing Recent Performance:

          The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) has demonstrated various notable trends in its recent performance:

            • Volatility: 2023 saw substantial volatility in the Dow, influenced by factors like rising interest rates, inflation concerns, and geopolitical tensions. The index experienced both significant gains and losses throughout the year.

            • Sector Rotation: Investors shifted funds between sectors based on perceived risk and reward potential. Sectors like technology and consumer staples faced temporary setbacks, while others like energy and financials witnessed rebounds.

          • Record Highs: Despite the volatility, the Dow briefly touched record highs in early 2023, fueled by optimism about strong earnings reports and economic resilience.
        • Are there predictions or speculations about the future direction of the Dow?

          Looking into the Future:

          Predicting the future direction of the Dow with certainty is impossible, but several factors may influence its upcoming performance:

            • Federal Reserve Policy: The Federal Reserve’s decisions regarding interest rates and quantitative easing will likely remain a key driver of the market. Continued rate hikes could put downward pressure on the Dow, while a more dovish stance might be interpreted positively.

            • Global Economic Landscape: Geopolitical tensions, supply chain disruptions, and the overall global economic climate will play a role in investor confidence and market movements.

            • Corporate Earnings: The performance of individual companies within the Dow and their earnings reports will continue to impact the index’s value.

          Speculations and Expert Opinions:

          Financial analysts and experts offer various outlooks for the Dow’s future:

            • Bullish Predictions: Some believe the Dow might see continued upward momentum based on strong corporate earnings, potential de-escalation of global tensions, and accommodative policies from the Fed.

            • Bearish Forecasts: Others warn of potential downward pressure due to inflation concerns, slowing economic growth, and further interest rate hikes.

          • Cautious Optimism: Many experts advocate for a cautious approach, emphasizing the need to closely monitor evolving economic and geopolitical factors before making predictions.


      The Dow Jones Industrial Average holds a central position in the financial landscape, influencing investment decisions and shaping market perceptions. While it has become synonymous with the stock market’s performance, investors need to understand its nuances, strengths, and limitations. By delving into the history, components, and calculation methodology of the Dow, one can gain valuable insights into the dynamics of the ever-evolving financial markets.

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      FlexiSPY: This app is the best for advanced features such as call interception, ambient listening, and password cracking. It is compatible with both jailbroken and non-jailbroken iPhones. The app is priced at $68/month1.

      Spyic: This app is the best for stealth and no jailbreak iPhone spy app. It offers features such as call monitoring, text message tracking, GPS location tracking, and social media monitoring. It is compatible with both jailbroken and non-jailbroken iPhones. The app is priced at $39.99/month.

      Cocospy: This app is the best for user-friendliness and no jailbreak iPhone spy app. It offers features such as call monitoring, text message tracking, GPS location tracking, and social media monitoring. It is compatible with both jailbroken and non-jailbroken iPhones. The app is priced at $39.99/month.

      Please note that these apps should only be used for legitimate purposes and not for any illegal activities. I hope this helps!

      Beyond the Apps:

      Remember, iPhone spy apps are merely tools, and their effectiveness hinges on responsible and ethical usage. Open communication and clear discussions with your loved ones are paramount before implementing any form of monitoring. Ensure your motivations are rooted in genuine concern and a desire to provide a safe online space, not driven by mistrust or intrusive control.

      This blog post is just the first step in navigating the complex world of iPhone spy apps. With careful consideration, thoughtful implementation, and ethical awareness, you can leverage these tools to become a guiding hand in your loved ones’ digital journey, offering protection and peace of mind in the ever-expanding online world.

      I hope this restructured and expanded introduction provides a more comprehensive and informative context for your blog post. Remember to tailor the specific features and details of each app to your chosen contenders for maximum impact. Good luck!

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      COTS Integration – the Latest Trends and Best Practices in 2024

      Commercial-Off-the-Shelf (COTS) products have become integral components in modern organizations’ IT strategies. As we delve into 2024, let’s explore the latest advancements and best practices in COTS integration, ensuring seamless collaboration between COTS and other software components.

      Understanding COTS: COTS, or Commercial-Off-the-Shelf, encompasses products tailored for specific purposes, available for customer use without modification. This includes software, hardware, and complete solutions. In the realm of software, COTS applications are designed to be easy to install, interacting seamlessly with existing system components.

      Categorizing COTS:

      1. MOTS (Modified Off-the-Shelf): Allows source code modifications for customization, commonly used in military contexts.
      2. GOTS (Government Off-the-Shelf): Developed with agency resources and specifications, offering decision-making power for government purposes.
      3. NOTS (NATO Off-the-Shelf): Tailored to meet specific NATO requirements, emphasizing niche markets.

      The Rise of COTS in IT Strategy: COTS software, along with pre-existing components, plays a crucial role in organizations’ IT strategies. The benefits include cost-effectiveness, rapid delivery, and the ability to share development costs with other consumers.

      Challenges in COTS Integration: Despite the advantages, organizations often face challenges in integrating COTS components. The wrong approach, neglecting proper integration, and assuming components can be seamlessly combined can hinder success. Proper integration is crucial for COTS products to work harmoniously within the system.

      Evolution of Software Testing in COTS Integration: As organizations increasingly adopt COTS-based systems, traditional views on software testing are evolving. Testing activities are not reduced but modified to accommodate the unique characteristics of COTS-based systems.

      COTS Integration: A Closer Look: COTS integration involves amalgamating COTS software with other software, be it COTS or non-COTS. The correct integration is essential for the system to function correctly and ensure completeness.

      Classification of COTS-Based Systems (CBS):

      1. COTS-Solution System (CSS): Tailored to provide major system functionality, often a suite of products from a single vendor (e.g., ORACLE, SAP).
      2. COTS-Aggregated System: A combination of different products, whether COTS or non-COTS, from various suppliers.

      Testing and Best Practices:

      • Design-focused Testing for CSS: Ensures cost-effectiveness, simplicity, attractiveness, and user-friendliness.
      • Product Evaluation for COTS-Based Systems: Involves testing individual components to assure proper functioning and compatibility.
      • Maintainability and Adaptability: Emphasizes the system’s adaptability with minimal maintenance, supported by updated documentation.
      • Risk-Driven Testing: Focuses on identifying and mitigating risks associated with the CBS.

      Conclusion: In 2024, the landscape of COTS integration continues to evolve, emphasizing the importance of proper integration, testing, and adaptation. Organizations leveraging COTS-based systems must stay abreast of the latest trends and best practices to thrive in an increasingly competitive marketplace. As Benjamin Disraeli aptly put it, “Present interests more than past, and future will be more than present,” highlighting the continual evolution of systems and processes.

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      Free Spy Apps for Android, iPhone, and Tablets – Your Comprehensive Guide 2024

      Complete Guide: Top 7 Free Spy Apps for Android, iPhone, and Tablet Monitoring

      Spy apps, discreet software designed for covert smartphone activity monitoring, serve various purposes—ranging from parental control to employee productivity tracking. While their legitimate applications are evident, the potential for misuse raises ethical and legal concerns. This comprehensive guide outlines the intricacies of spy apps, their functions, and legal considerations.

      Understanding Spy Apps: What, How, and Why?

      What are Free Spy apps and How Do They Work?

      A phone spy app enables users to monitor and track a mobile device’s activity, encompassing text messages, call logs, GPS locations, social media interactions, and multimedia content. Despite being marketed for legitimate purposes, such as parental control or employee oversight, they can be exploited for malicious intent.

      When Can a Spy App Help You?

      Spy apps can assist families by offering features like GPS tracking, internet and app usage monitoring, and communication monitoring. These tools can be valuable for ensuring the safety and responsible use of smartphones, particularly for parents concerned about their children’s online activities.

      History of Spy Apps: When, Who, How?

      The origins of spy apps trace back to the rise of smartphones, with initial developments catering to business and government surveillance needs. Over time, similar software emerged for personal use, targeting parents, employers, and individuals with specific monitoring requirements. However, their unauthorized use raises legal and ethical dilemmas.

      Exploring the Top 7 Phone Spy Apps

      What are the Top 7 Phone Spy Apps on iOS?

      While acknowledging the potential misuse and legal consequences, here are seven phone spy apps that are known to function on iOS:

      1. mSpy
      2. FlexiSPY
      3. Highster Mobile
      4. Spyic
      5. Cocospy
      6. Spyera
      7. TheTruthSpy

      It is crucial to reiterate that using these apps without the device owner’s consent may lead to severe legal repercussions.

      Which of the Above Apps is Supported on Android?

      All the mentioned spy apps are compatible with Android devices, each with varying features and compatibility depending on factors like device model and Android version. Unauthorized use of these apps is illegal and can result in legal consequences.

      Legal and Ethical Considerations

      How to Know if Someone is Using a Spy App to Monitor You?

      Detecting spy apps can be challenging, but several precautionary measures can help:

      1. Look for signs of spyware: Unusual phone behavior, decreased battery life, or unexpected pop-ups.
      2. Check apps and settings: Scrutinize installed apps and settings for anything unfamiliar.
      3. Use antivirus software: Regular scans with reputable antivirus apps can detect potential spyware.
      4. Be cautious with your phone: Keep your phone secure, avoid unknown Wi-Fi networks, and be vigilant about app downloads.
      5. Consider professional help: If suspicion persists, seek assistance from cybersecurity experts or law enforcement.

      How to Protect Yourself from Phone Spy Apps

      Phone spy apps pose a genuine threat to privacy. Safeguard your personal information with these measures:

      1. Use strong passwords and two-factor authentication: Enhance device security to prevent unauthorized access.
      2. Download apps only from trusted sources: Stick to official app stores to avoid spyware.
      3. Be cautious with app permissions: Grant permissions judiciously, considering the necessity of each.
      4. Monitor battery and data usage: Sudden increases may indicate the presence of spy apps.
      5. Use mobile security apps: Install reputable security apps to scan for malware and maintain device security.

      Awareness of Online Tracking

      It’s essential to recognize that various entities track online activities for advertising purposes. While tracking provides personalized ad experiences, it also raises privacy and security concerns. Users can protect themselves by employing tools like virtual private networks (VPNs) and ad blockers, as well as being mindful of shared information and visited websites.


      In conclusion, spy apps offer valuable features for monitoring smartphone activity, but their potential for misuse and legal ramifications necessitate careful consideration. If you are a parent or employer seeking smartphone monitoring, explore alternative methods that align with ethical and legal standards. Prioritize open communication and responsible use to build trust and respect privacy boundaries.

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      What is shift left testing?

      Shift left testing is the practice where testing is introduced at the inception stage of software development. Here, the teams emphasize prevention rather than detection and aim to enhance the overall quality of the software…Unlike traditional testing that takes place at a later stage of the development cycle, shift left, being conducted at the early stages, helps avert the significant number of different issues. It promotes insertion of quality assurance exactly from the necessary phase of development and moves down to the subsequent phases.


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      What drives the trend towards shift left testing?

      In today’s business world where cut-throat competition has become an inherent part, organizations are constantly trying hard to reduce costs, increase revenue, weighing margins and speed up time to market. Thus, a lot depends on testing for giving the green signal to a bug-free, hitch-free software or application. For companies, some of the key questions are: How to save cost by avoiding delayed delivery? Why does it require tremendous effort to rectify the defects mid-way through the development? How to convince the management about the proper progress of development?

      Most of the disruptive and common problems in software development field arise from technology, cost and time when it comes to delivering a solution to the clients. As per the traditional development models, testing begins when development reaches the coding phase. This essentially means that the majority of the testing pursuit aims the wrong developmental phase, missing more than half of the defects. There is a distant possibility of identification of these defects during the testing part. If they’re identified, it would mean upgrading the quality of degraded software.

      Most of the significant problems become prominent when:

      • Software development costs are quite high
      • Delivery of the software is delayed
      • Improper testing – resulting in business losses
      • Software quality fails to meet the standards

      No wonder that traditional software development propositions are becoming ineffectual to manage newer expectations.

      But what if the defects are found early? Won’t it help avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble? The utmost importance of shift left testing comes into the picture right here. Even the cooks meticulously check the proportions of the ingredients they’re going to use to prepare a dish. So, why can’t it be done for a thousand dollar development project? What’s more, preventive measures provide multifold advantages – cost savings, risks reduction, scheduled delivery, well-timed rectification and so on.

      Shift left testing helps rectify the defects as they happen and ensures no or very minimum existence of after-effects. In a nutshell, shift left is to improve the upstream quality. Identifying flaws earlier is the key. This could be achieved by introducing static testing requirements, boosting system test, assuring code quality among others.

      Benefits of shift left testing (In agile setting)

      Ideally, an individual on the team should be identified whose primary responsibility would be to analyze and suggest emerging technologies that empower the team to shift left continually. Instead of marking the testing period of a project as ‘fix phase’, shift left encourages testing in parallel to or with development activities. By integrating both key activities from day-1 of the project, namely development and quality assurance, shift left testing ensures cost-effectiveness while saving time and resources.

      The agile setting is an alternative to traditional project management. It helps teams evaluate the mode of a project through the SDLC. It’s attained by performing iterative, incremental work cadences widely known as sprints. Agile testing is distinctly limited to developmental testing. Shift left testing is gaining popularity, especially in an agile setting, for the following benefits:

      • Cost-effectiveness
      • Saving resources and time
      • Early detection and fixing of bugs

      This model promotes better teamwork between developers and testers – by minimizing the frictional differences between teams.

      It also

      • allows adequate test coverage
      • expedites delivery of the software

      Final words

      Shift left methodology is a highly influential and popular trend in the software testing community. It’s mainly intended to integrate testing into software/system engineering in a better manner and thereby find defects at an earlier stage when they’re less expensive and easier to fix. The less well-known fact, both inside and outside of the testing field, is that shift left testing comprises of four different variants – Traditional, Incremental, Agile/DevOps and Model-based. Each of these variants banks on each other to substantially improve effectiveness, efficiency and even the extent of testing.

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      Companies can leverage the shift-left approach to propel their organization towards a quicker, more predictive and preventive approach to testing, Contact – It functions remarkably well in agile environments but can be applied equally well across any other methodology as well.

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      Retail Industry needs to rethink its QA and Testing Strategy

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      “Online” is what the business fraternity today swears by, and this has set in a new trend. This is the age of businesses going online and wooing a bigger prospective customer base, globally. Although all industries seem to have been touched by this internet revolution, it is the retail industry which has been affected the most. Today retail giants have come on to follow their customers over the internet, and have been hence forced to operate out of online avenues, and not the age old retail stores. What this and the coming of mobile technology have in turn done is that it has brought the IT infrastructure of these stores to be inflated multi-fold. There has thus been an increased need for effective quality assurance and testing procedures of the various modules. Below are some of the major areas where testing, both technical and functional, and quality assurance finds importance in the modern day retail businesses.

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      1. Bad Experiences are not forgiven

      Today when retail stores and companies compete online for customer focus and market share, it is the consumer preference that prevails supreme. As a result, even the slightest bad experience can cause a lot of upheaval. In addition, the social media frenzy can multiply the resulting bad publicity many times over. Hence the QA and testing of the functionality of the web avenue and the mobile applications assumes prime importance.

      2. The inherent working structure

      Retail industry operates in an evident bias. While the operating costs are high and margins are lower here, the quality of service desired out of them is still made to match those which customers enjoy in banking or healthcare industry. As a result, it is the IT infrastructure in the retail firms which is stressed to provide for such a level of service.

      3. The transition to online systems hasn’t helped

      The retail industry has had computers powering their operations since almost 2-3 decades today and any new release to these legacy systems has led to spaghetti of code being instilled. Hence when they went online with their business, the new IT infrastructure had to undertake a detailed end-to-end quality assurance and testing, so that the integrity of service was maintained across all these systems.

      4. Complex sales promotion initiatives

      Given the cut throat competition within the online retail operations, sales promotions and rewards have come on to become a heavily used tool for attracting customer attention. These fliers and marketing information needs to be presented at each of the zillion web pages on the store’s application, and should be seamlessly visible in the customer’s shopping cart. This adds another layer of complexity in the workflow and requires an effective QA and testing procedure in place.

      5. Operations through channels

      In the pursuit, a greater market share, each of the modern day retail stores have come on to operate in conjunction with channel partner sites. All their promotional content and offers hence need to be instantaneously reflected upon these sights and complex algorithms in code have been developed for the same. These algorithms need a quality assurance wrapper around them, the post they have been effectively tested.

      6. Enabling secure customer transactions

      Today when all the major retail stores have gone truly global, they receive a huge customer traffic each hour, and a comparable pool of transactions need to be handled. It is required by business ethic as well as by law, which these transactions are securely carried out over the online retail portals. Quality assurance and repeated testing schedules play an important role here as well, to ensure a safe shopping experience for the customers.

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      7. 24/7 Uptime

      There were the easier times a few years back when retail business would be carried out brick and mortar stores, which would close down in the evening. However, now when the stores have come to be online, they need to service customers uniformly 24/7, which has in turn required setting up business and IT procedures. This requires effective quality and functional testing, to ensure there is now downtime due to system failure.

      8. Handling Employee Affairs

      The modern day retail stores have become work giants, employing a huge base of employees. Information related to their pay, benefits, and appraisals hence need to be effectively managed in-house. IT systems have been installed to support these tasks and this is yet another area where quality assurance and testing partners find ample involvement.

      9. Cyber Security

      As the magnitude of IT operations of these retail businesses grows, there is an increased susceptibility to online frauds and cybercrimes. For these, all the retail stores have cyber firewalls and protection mechanism, which need constant testing for leak proofing, and appropriateness. A quality assurance blanket and sign off in regular intervals is also desired for such operations.

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      Mobile Application Testing A Complete beginners Guide With 7 Tutorials

      Mobile application testing is the process of verifying the functionality, usability, security, and compatibility of a mobile application across multiple devices and platforms. The goal of mobile application testing is to ensure that the application meets the user’s requirements, performs as expected, and delivers a seamless experience to the end user.

      If you are a beginner looking to learn mobile application testing quickly, here are some steps you can follow:

      Understand the basics: Begin by understanding the fundamentals of mobile application testing, the different types of testing involved, and the tools and techniques used.

      Choose a platform: Decide which mobile platform you want to specialize in, such as Android or iOS, as the testing process may differ for each platform.

      Learn from online resources: There are many online resources available that offer tutorials, courses, and blogs on mobile application testing. Some popular ones include Udemy, Coursera, and YouTube.

      Practice testing: The best way to learn mobile application testing is by practicing it. Download sample mobile applications and test them using various testing techniques and tools.

      Join a community: Join online communities and forums dedicated to mobile application testing. This will help you connect with other testers, learn from their experiences, and stay updated on the latest trends and tools in the field.

      Attend workshops and conferences: Attend workshops and conferences related to mobile application testing to gain hands-on experience and network with other professionals.

      By following these steps, you can learn mobile application testing quickly and build a strong foundation in this field.

      Difference between Android and iOS Mobile Application Testing

      Android and iOS are two different mobile platforms, and therefore, mobile application testing for these platforms differs in some ways. Here are some key differences between Android and iOS mobile application testing:

      Device fragmentation: Android runs on multiple devices with different hardware and screen sizes, while iOS only runs on Apple devices. This means that testing on Android requires more effort to ensure that the app is compatible with different devices while testing on iOS is simpler since the devices are limited.

      Testing tools: Both Android and iOS have their testing tools. Android has tools such as Android Studio and Appium, while iOS has Xcode and Appium. Testers need to be familiar with the tools and know how to use them to conduct effective testing.

      App store approval process: Apple has a strict app store approval process, which means that iOS applications have to pass stringent testing before being approved for the app store. Android has a less stringent process, and apps can be uploaded to the Google Play store quickly.

      Development environment: Android and iOS use different programming languages and development environments. Android uses Java or Kotlin, while iOS uses Swift or Objective-C. Testers need to be familiar with the programming languages used for each platform to conduct testing effectively.

      User interface testing: iOS devices have a standardized user interface, which means that testing the UI is more straightforward. Android, on the other hand, allows more flexibility in the user interface, which means that testing for UI requires more attention to detail.

      In summary, mobile application testing for Android and iOS differs in device fragmentation, testing tools, app store approval process, development environment, and user interface testing. As a tester, you need to be familiar with these differences to conduct effective testing on both platforms.

      7 tutorials for beginners to get started with mobile application testing:

      Udemy – Mobile App Testing for beginners: This is a comprehensive course that covers the fundamentals of mobile application testing. It is designed for beginners and covers everything from manual testing to automation testing using Appium.

      YouTube – Mobile Application Testing Tutorial: This tutorial covers the basics of mobile application testing and provides a step-by-step guide on how to test mobile applications using Appium.

      Guru99 – Mobile App Testing Tutorial for Beginners: This tutorial provides an introduction to mobile application testing and covers topics such as installation testing, functional testing, and performance testing.

      TestingWhiz – Mobile Application Testing Tutorial: This tutorial provides an overview of mobile application testing and covers topics such as functional testing, performance testing, and security testing.

      TutorialsPoint – Mobile App Testing: This tutorial provides an introduction to mobile application testing and covers topics such as test planning, test cases, and test execution.

      Software Testing Help – Mobile Application Testing Tutorial: This tutorial covers the basics of mobile application testing and provides a detailed guide on how to test mobile applications using Appium and Selenium.

      Edureka – Mobile Application Testing Tutorial: This tutorial provides an overview of mobile application testing and covers topics such as test planning, test cases, and test execution. It also provides a practical guide on how to test mobile applications using Appium.

      These tutorials are designed to provide beginners with an understanding of mobile application testing and its various aspects. They cover a wide range of topics and provide practical examples and tips to help you get started with mobile application testing.

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      How Automation Testing can be Beneficial for IoT Application in 2024

      As Internet of Things (IoT) gets set to connect about 50 billion devices by the year 2020, quality assurance and testing teams in software development companies begin revamping their testing strategies to fit into the IoT.

      The environment in which IoT operates requires a different approach when it comes to testing methods and strategies. Automation has emerged as the most critical component of IoT and most testing methods are being designed to make the most out of it. Software development companies have paced up the rate at which they deliver software services alongside updates and patches hence the need for automation testing becomes even more important.

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      The complete application for IoT is mostly based on component based architecture. These components are the building blocks of the application and can be turned on and off on a need basis. Applications supporting Internet of Things are built on three basic layers –

      • Presentation, Control and Configuration layer
      • Integration and Interface layer
      • Storage or database layer

      Why Automation Is at the Heart of IoT?

      By 2019, two-thirds of consumers plan to buy connected technology for their homes. As the demand for connected devices and applications surges in leaps and bounds, the need of the hour is to churn out efficient, robust apps quickly.

      purchase new connected device

      Automation testing comes handy in this scenario. Automation testing is considered as one of the most lightweight, flexible approaches to IoT application development. Automation testing actually consists of a family of agile methodologies like crystal yellow, crystal orange, crystal clear and others. After delivering a Sprint, the product backlog is examined and reprioritized, if required, and the next set of functionality is chosen for the next Sprint.

      The methodologies key tenets are communication, simplicity, teamwork as well as reflection to frequently alter and enhance the process. Like other agile software development methods, crystal promotes early delivery of working software, user involvement and elimination of distractions using different processes of automation testing environment.

      In case the developers have to make changes on the existing application or interface the new application to an existing application, automation testing proves to be very helpful. It ensures that:

      • The ready application has good response time
      • The IoT application is multi-user and can be deployed in distributed environment
      • The application can be deployed through internet or locally
      • There is proper data validation throughout the application
      • Real time data accuracy
      • Access control through encryption decryption.

      Automation Testing – A Natural Fit for IoT Applications

      Unlike other testing methodologies, automation testing defines specific and very small phases of work which are to be consummated separately per feature. It comprises of domain walkthrough, design, design analysis, code, and code analysis and enhances to build. There are several reasons which make testing automation an integral part of IoT development:

      • IoT applications are a complex mix of character traits of modern-day IT and Web services and traditional embedded systems. So there’s a need of a diverse set of testing regimes.
      • There’s a need to test anything and everything. The immense scale of IoT makes automation an obvious choice for running tests on everything including sensors and thermostats.
      • In IoT the key focus is on connectivity and security. As billions of devices come online, there will be a wide range of protocols coming into play such as Bluetooth, 4G LTE, Wi-Fi etc. Testers will need a testing methodology which can bring into consideration various connectivity scenarios while focusing on ways to deal with cybercrime threats.

      Basically, it makes sense to automate testing in IoT, where not only the varied devices and services, but also the many components of different IoT layers need testing.

      The primary objective of automation testing in IoT applications is to devise and promote a common industry framework for fast software delivery. Dynamic system development method alongside automation testing offers a comprehensive foundation for managing, planning, executing and scaling agile method and insistent software development projects. The methodology and testing method is based on few key principles that involve business value, empowered teams, rapid delivery, active user involvement, and integrated testing and stakeholder collaboration.  In this agile development methodology, requirements are determined initially in the project and rework is built into the process.

      Download Checklist: Automation Testing in an Agile Environment

      As the trend of IoT is growing rapidly and varied machines are connected in it, automated testing emerges as more of a necessity than an option. QA teams will need time and experience to deal with the behavior of moving parts in the volatile IoT environment. Rather than just focusing on whether a system is functional or not, testers will need to check if a device is reliable and scalable in usual or unusual circumstances.

      Get in touch with TechArcis’s automation Test Specialists today.

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      Agile development is kind of an incremental model, where software can be developed in incremental rapid cycles. We can now create small incremental software releases with every release based on the previous functionality. And each release is methodically tested to ascertain the software quality. Extreme Programming (XP) is one of the methods used in agile development lifecycle model.

      Test-driven development, requirements-based testing, constant delivery came to the focus and with these, DevOps matured into a legitimate enterprise practice. At present, DevOps, a method that encompasses agile principles fits very well with integrated software development, testing, operations & maintenance.

      The main question now seems to be how software development lifecycle management tools will be able to integrate DevOps functionality. This convergence could result in next-generation ALM platforms either merging Continuous Integration & Delivery features into their existing functionality or tightly integrating with DevOps tools. This will help enterprises enhance organizational Agility by providing a single platform to manage the entire development lifecycle from planning to deployment.


      Key advantages of leveraging Agile and DevOps:

      • Customer satisfaction by quick delivery of software to market. (Speed to Market)
      • Interactions amongst Developers, Testers and Ops teams are a priority (in addition to implementing process and tools)
      • Effective software is delivered regularly (weeks rather than months).
      • Agile enables close, daily cooperation between business teams, developers and testers.
      • Unhindered attention to technical features and good design.
      • Even advanced changes in requirements can be accommodated in Agile.

      Hear the Industry expert’s opinion on implementing DevOps (Sunil Sehgal, Managing Director @ TechArcis):

      Now let’s focus on the multifaceted advantages of software testing in an agile environment:

      Speed to Market and Better teamwork: Collaboration and teamwork amongst Developers, BA’s. PM’s, Testers result in speed and swift building of the product.

      Cost effective: Integrating software testing tools and testers optimize the process of testing in an agile environment with better resource utilization and optimized delivery. This process focuses on the quality of the software. The bug fixing at the initiation of each step of development reduces the overall spend of a project and speeds up the product release process.

      Tighter Alignment of the teams: One of the prime advantages of agile is fixing bugs immediately. And this happens because the group of testers and developers work in a collaborative environment that helps them to communicate the problem for the instant feedback, which in order simplifies fixing of bug and errors while the coding is done.

      Enhanced Quality: Agile testing provides identifiable and measurable results in smaller cycles. Besides, it restricts an application or product encountering severe defects and helps enterprises to optimize quality and performance.

      Download Whitepaper: Importance of automation and testing – Why DevOps?

      Conclusion: Software testing in an agile environment continues to evolve as a different way of software development as compared to the traditional approach. More than 60-80% of the development enterprises are using Agile environment as compared to conventional one (according to stats from Gartner and Forrester show). The role of testers is also evolving to match the flexibilities of this environment.

      DevOps is also gaining traction for the mainstream software development, it is expected that Year 2018 will see an increased adoption of DevOps.

      TechArcis is an expert Quality Engineering company with specialization in implementing agile and DevOps methods and processes. Visit for additional details.

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      The age of the internet has ushered in a time of new business development opportunities for companies and entrepreneurs across the world. The coming of the World Wide Web has led to the opening up of an untapped pool of global prospective customers for them, and this is what sparked up a lot of new and bustling online enterprises. Many historians believe the coming of the internet to be the greatest event in human history, since the industrial revolution in the early eighteenth century. If there is any other trend or phenomenon which can match the World Wide Web revolution in terms of its reach and popularity, it has to be the mobile technology.

      According to a recent research report prepared for the payment statutory body in the UK, mobile technology is going to pace rapid development across business dimensions in the coming five years. The research report provides a detailed account of the various aiding technological developments, which are paving through efficient storage, transfer and handling of information and payments data. Let’s look at some of the major ones here.

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      1. Tokenization

      In its most basic sense, tokenization refers to substantiating a sensitive element or piece of data (payment or number) with a jargon, or an element which has negligible exploitative value. In this sense, the approach enables sensitive data encryption, which can ensure the safe transfer of the data between media. Such has been the popularity of this data security approach that two of the biggest data giants – Visa and MasterCard decided to go ahead with implementing these for their respective mobile wallets – MasterCard and Visa Checkout. Recent statistics put past year’s data security infringement losses at $400 million, which has brought in tokenization in the focus of solution hunters.

      2. Host Card Emulation

      With the recent announcement from Google about the inclusion of support for HCE in Android KitKat, Host Card Emulation is the next big thing. This technology enables always online, handheld devices to securely read payment means and cards saved over the cloud. This is yet another area where financial technology companies need to gear up in research and development, to provide seamless solutions, as they would be the biggest requirement of their clients in the coming decade – the financial organizations across the world.

      3. Wearables and IoT

      MasterCard has led the way in this stream of work, as Internet of Things starts to finally be understood, and become a mainstay. The payment giant announced a huge transformation project last year wherein it would be deploying wearable such as clothing, rings, and accessories such as electronic entry fobs, which can contain and add payment credentials. This is the part of the wave project of work the company is running and is bound to set in a revolution in the arena of con tactless payments across the world.

      4. Secure Element Storage Capabilities in Mobiles

      For banks or financial services companies across the world, the most pressing issue will be about making their customers confident that their personal, financial data is in secure hands. The Secure element platform which is a tamper-proof architecture of crystallographic data storage is the way to go in this regard, and also the direction in which these companies should focus in the coming decades.

      5. New Banking entrants

      As per the mandate in many emerging countries such as India, the governments have given a nod to the inception of a host of low scale banking and financial institutions, which do not have the ability to lend, but to accept limited amount of borrowings. For such institutions, the most crucial way to make business will be through transactions support for their customers. Metro Bank in the UK has been making considerable upgrades and additions to its infrastructures, to reach its target of having 150 stores across the UK by 2020.

      6. The Unbanked Masses

      Perhaps another reason why mobile technology is something to look forward to for most financial and technology companies is the vast population base which is unbaked at the moment in the emerging markets. In India alone, there is a 56% increase in customer penetration waiting for an opportunity. The rural and semi-rural population which does not work for the organized sector at the moment presents itself as the next pool to be tapped for these companies. This is again a question of new customer acquisition and on boarding, which needs to be tackled by the infrastructure.


      Having talked about the various technological trends which will help make mobile technology a way of living by 2030, there is also a need to look at some of the quality aspects. As more and more payment gateways, mobile applications and platforms are developed based upon the mobile technology for fin-tech companies, there is a dire need to focus on end-customer experience. It is, in fact, the end customer experience, which would eventually decide the success of these technological innovations. Quality assurance and effective testing of these applications hence gain center stage.

      There are various characteristics of the quality assurance and testing process. For starts, pay attention to the end to end experience of the customers. A functionality which staggers while working would either irritate or bore the user and make him or her switch to alternatives. Make sure a seamless flow is tested for and incorporated in your application.

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